Town Square Title LTD
250 East Colonial Drive Suite 301
Orlando FL 32801
Phone : (407) 422-2234

Closing Cost Estimator

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - The costs for a closing can vary widely due to different fees, charges, and expenses associated with a specific loan and property. This should only be used as an estimate. It is always best to rely on a Licensed Settlement professional who can provide you with the most accurate closing charges and fees.

Estimate Type *

Street Address

Property Zip *
County *

Closing Type *
Sales Price *
Loan Amount *
Seller Commission %
Home Warranty Fee?

Seller Credit(% of Sales Price)
Seller Credit Amount
Mortgage Payoff Amount

Reference Number

Owner's policy paid by
Initial Escrow Deposit

Capital Contribution
HOA Estoppel/Transfer Fee

Capital Contribution Amount
HOA Estoppel/Transfer Fee Amount

Your E-mail*
Your Phone*
Created By*

Other Costs

Description 1
Cost ($)
Seller Cost?

Description 2
Cost ($)
Seller Cost?

Description 3
Cost ($)
Seller Cost?

Description 4
Cost ($)
Seller Cost?